Creative Learning themes for 2015/2016

Tracking of learning themes – 2015 – 2016

Year Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Term 5 Term 6
Mars All about Me Light and Celebrations Blast off! Once upon a time Growing All creatures great and small
Pluto Dinosaurs Houses & Homes Castles Journeys Farms Brazil
Neptune Explorers Remember, remember! Heroes Mrs Armitage’s Vehicle All creatures great and small Part Planners
Venus Rattle those Bones Ancient Greeks France Rise of the Robots Rainforests Incredible Egyptians
Mercury Our Ancient World My Britain Space Water Habitats At the Circus
Jupiter WW1 – people, poets and peace Modern Britain Early civilisations The Grand Canyon vs The North Pole Mountains Ancient Greece
Saturn To be or not to be…? Natural Selection Amazing Grace Gadgets Kapow! Mother Nature

For more information on the curriculum and themes covered in each class, please see the class teacher or look at the class pages on the website each term.