Teachers assess children on a daily basis as part of the marking policy as well as completing formative assessments at the end of each term. These help teachers to recognise which children are reaching ‘expected’ levels for their year group, which are working at ‘greater depth’ and those which are ‘working towards’ compared to the majority of their peers. Any children who are working towards expectations are likely to have some sort of intervention to help them to progress. With all children it is important to be aware of their starting point and their individual attainment, for example, some children who are working towards will have made great personal progress based on their starting point. This kind of progress is likely to be measured against small steps targets within their ‘personal plan.’
As well as formative assessments within each subjects, other specific assessments may be completed such as phonics to determine which phase a child is working within, reading to give a reading age, specific maths assessments and spelling assessments. Both schools also have the ‘Boxall Profile’ which can be used to assess children’s social and emotional development, the ‘Asten Index’ which shows some cognitive indicators and a Dyslexia screener which highlights any gaps in a child’s basic ability to read and spell.
Both schools have access to ‘Language Link Infants’, ‘Language Link Junior’ and ‘Speechlink.’ These are online assessments and resources to identify and support children who maybe struggling with an area of language. It is usual for all children to be screened in reception with Language Link Infants. Children in year 3 may have a general screener from Language Link Junior. Children in other year groups can be assessed if requested, or re-screen to measure improvements. Any children struggling to produce clear sounds will be screened with ‘Speechlink.’ These assessments help to support children in school as well as to inform any possible referrals to speech and language therapy. A ‘Language for Learning’ screener may also be used to identify difficulties with using, understanding language linked to learning as well as social communication.