We are a community primary school offering education to children aged between 4 and 11 years old. Our school is committed to serving the needs of the children in the local community.
If you are considering choosing Eythorne Elvington Community Primary School for your child we would love you to come and visit us to see what we do, show you the school and answer any question that you may have. To do this, please contact the school and request to visit us at any time that works for you and your family.
There are 20 places available for new entrants each year in the reception class. Admissions to the school are dealt with by the Local authority. Whenever the school is oversubscribed then the following Admissions Criteria will be employed.
- Looked after children
- Siblings
- Health
- Distance
Further information about oversubscription criteria can be found via the KCC admissions webpage
You can also apply for a school place online through the KCC webpage www.kent.gov.uk/primaryadmissions
You can register your interest in the school by contacting the school office where contact details will be taken and kept on file. Registering an interest does not give your child priority when places are allocated by the Local Authority.
In Year Casual Admissions are admissions that take place outside of the normal entry to school. If you are a parent or carer of a child who already lives or has recently moved to Kent and is looking for a school place, you must complete an In Year Casual Admissions Form (IYCAF). These forms are available from the school, the primary admissions team or you can download the application form and guidance notes on how to make and IYCAF enquiry from the Kent County website: www.kent.gov.uk/primaryadmissions.
Parents have a statutory right of appeal to an independent appeal panel if their child has been refused admission. Eythorne Elvington Community Primary School uses the services of KCC to set up the appeal panel hearing. Please contact Primary Admissions on 01622 696 565 or you can email the admissions team on: [email protected] for more information.