If your child is not making progress, the school will set up an initial meeting to discuss this in more detail with you and listen to any concerns you may have.  Any additional support will also be planned and possible referrals to outside professionals will be discussed with you.  We know that parental involvement is identified as having the biggest impact on your child’s learning and well-being. Therefore your support is vital and effective communication is essential in securing the best outcomes for your child.

The decision to add your child to the SEN or AEN register would be made with parents and school working together.

All parents have the opportunity to sign up for parent consultations 2 times a year with a 3rd option appointment to discuss the annul school report.  Parents of children on the SEN register are entitled to meet at least 3 times a years with the class teacher and/or the SENDCo as part of the plan-do-review process.  If these are done within the usual parent consultations, you are entitled to a longer appointment.

Children with SEN or additional needs also have a ‘Pupil Passport’ which contains teacher, parent and, most importantly, child voice including their aspirations for the future. We update these in July as part of our transition meetings with parents, the child’s current and new teacher for September. We then review these mid-year in Term 3.

If you ever have concerns about your child’s needs, the support your child is receiving at school, whether to apply for an EHCP etc, Iask are part of the local offer and offer support and advice for parents of children with SEN.
